Welcome to my Deli-Cat-essen...

Good News! The sparkly new doors of the Deli-Cat-essen are about to open to the world, I'll blogging away from across la manche with my observations on french food and culture, giving myself yet another excuse to fatten up on cheese and pastries- Hurray! In September I'll be moving to Lyon- the gastronomical capital of France where I fully intend to delve into the mysteries of our froggy neighbors' tastes and traditions.

Expect posts on my first mushroom gathering experience, reviews and recipes potentially involving organs and animals us English wouldn't touch with a 6 foot saucisson sec.

I'll also be trying to find the answer to the most baffling question in french cuisine, head cheese: a gelatinous punishment of brainy horror or a delicious french meat treat suitable for picnics? watch this space...



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