3am food: Pizza Cano vs la gratinée

So in my opinion there are 3 things you want from drunk food: A speedy delivery, unadulterated cheesy greasyness and a large amount of it. My experience so far has been mainly confined to Pizza Cano, krispys and HFC (Halal Fried Chicken), all fine establishments in the Hyde Park area of Leeds. But however much you LOVE stuffing you face with a double cheese burger with cheese ON the chips, no drunk diner can deny himself the pleasure that La Gratinée offers. Steak, Gratin dauphinois, Tartiflette and other such delights can be found 24 hrs at this place. Thats right guys, despite the french's love of closing places exactly when you want them to be open, you can get all this cheesy meaty goodness at 3am, 4am, 6am, any am or pm. Ever. I went for a tartiflette, and yes I know I could have been eating a bit of old cardboard covered in cheese at that point and still enjoyed it, but it was bloody good. And another thing, there was wine to go with it and everyone in the place is smashed! So Pizza Cano I still love you very very much, but this long distance relationship just isn't working.  


1 comment:

  1. oh my god dauphinois at 4am! what a dream! it sounds like the worlds greatest 24 hour anything.
