Whens-a your Domino day?

I'm loving my kitchen at the moment!

Not only do I have a shiny new pasta maker courtesy of Madame Banks but everyday I come home to a new herb growing on my windowsill bought by one of my green fingered housemateys. I don't even have to worry about their survival (every herb I've ever had has died) because Christina and Jamie make sure they're thriving and seem to have a knack for keeping plants alive. With spring time booming and blooming all over the place, how could I not turn my hand to some yummy Italian cooking and windowsill herb inspired dishes.

After a quick jaunt in the English countryside on the hunt for Bluebells with the rents a few weeks back, we staggered into a wood stuffed full of wild garlic. Its heady aroma and beautiful white flowers was a feast for the nose and eyes! I greedily stuffed it into a bag and bounded home to make some wild garlic spring pesto. 

I loaded a handful of garlic leaves, almonds, parmasan, basil, corriander and mint into my magimix with a squeeze of lemon and some salt and pepper and Hey Pesto - (cringe) served up with some fresh pasta ribbons it was a delight. I reckon you could use any combination of herbs and a variety of different nuts depending on your taste or whatever you've got in your cupboard! 

The pasta maker is a real joy to have in the kitchen. Although it can be long winded, it's so rewarding! Now I'm a self confessed kitchen nazi, for those who have been around me whilst cooking know that CAT DOESN'T NEED ANY HELP! 

But pasta turns me into this wonderfully communal chef, with a whole gang of us feeding the dough through and catching it, someone running to fetch coat hangers and then the nerve racking moment of chucking it into the big pan of water as quick as you can while someone stirs. I love pasta making with my friends, but if i'm making anything else seriously just go away. 

Last night was one of these fun pasta making times, with Jamie as my helper we made some top class parpadelle served with a rich ragu- a really lovely recipe that can be found here. To start we all tucked into a big board of buffalo mozarella served on parma ham, sweet cherry tomatoes and basil with a drizzle of oil and some crunchy ciabatta. 

I'm already looking forward to my next pasta making session! 


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