Back In the Hood

After a period of blogging silence I plan to get back into the swing of things and bring you some of my food discoveries but this time from your side of the channel! But first a quick update.

Ahhhh Angleterre. I’ve left my lovely Lyon to join the masses of grey, tired, starbucks coffee obsessed commuters.  My new job however makes it all worthwhile. I’m now working for the BBC Good Food show, sourcing new exhibitors to take part in the show. And so I’m making exciting new food discoveries every day!  Joy! I’m yet to work for one of the shows yet but with the London show and the Winter Show coming up soon it won’t be long now.

Whilst researching for the shows last week I’ve found myself being more and more attracted to the London street food scene- and their wonderful creativity when it comes to beautifully simple hot food and how to transport it around. A couple of my favourite were Savoie Fayre aka Le Rac Shack and Blintz boy.
Savoie Fayre have done up an old Citroen HY Van, equipped it with raclette heating and scraping equipment and are travelling around various markets, event and food shows delivering raclette to the masses. Sounds like a bloody good life to me. If I hadn’t just got my Job at the BBC Good Food Show I think I’d probably turn up at Portabello market, where you can find them every Saturday, offering them my services as a cheese flogger!

Blintz boy is a mystery. I came across him whilst looking at a list of people who took part in the cheese and wine show. From what I can tell he makes thin polish pancake stuffed with a selection of savoury and sweet fillings, often cheesy. However his website is just a mysterious picture of hands holding some Blintz and no further information. His twitter feed holds a bit more information but not much. I long to meet this polish purveyor of pancakes and try his delicious blintz!

Unfortunately, whilst living at home, I’m not really getting the chance to get out there and try the wonderful street food all over London. But I am rediscovering the wonder of English food. I’ve found out (again) that good old pie and mash really hits the spot, my Mum is a curry goddess and my Dad makes the best roasts in all the world. So living at home really isn’t that bad at all. With a cupboard always fully stocked, and a head full of inspiration from a day at work talking about food I’m loving cooking at home. Watch this space…



  1. Yay! That's so exciting - want to hear more!

  2. Hey Cat,

    Have you visited Eat Street in London yet? The Rib Man seems to be very popular right now and he's a beacon of excellence at the often-ropey Brick Lane market too.

    Unfortunately even with the advent of Wahaca there still doesn't seem to be any decent Mexican street food in the UK :(
