Deli-Cat goes to a salon...

Lyon's always got some kind of gastronomic event going on and a few weeks ago I went off to the 'Salon Gourmets et Vins' where I supped on fine wines and champagnes and nibbled on top class caviar, fois gras and other such items that I could never afford to buy myself. I found myself over at the Corsican stall where I shared some kind of fizzy bevrage with the dude who worked there. What a lovely man, I thought as he showed me the photos on his I phone of views of the sea and mountains from his window at home. Looked like a wonderful life, producing wonderful, traditional foods (creamy, prizwinning goats cheese and thin little saucissons with a smoky flavour and dark skins) and then travelling around France showing them off and selling them.

I also got involved in the cookery demonstation I made potato crepes with salmon and a balsamic vinaigrette. mmmmmmmm. Here are some embarassing photos:
Concentrate Cat... if you screw this up all the french chefs will think you're rubbish..
Turned around to discover a rather impressive moustache looking down at me, what a treat!

I also spent a fortune on cheese, Thanks to some lovely cheese producers I discovered something new, Its called abondance, its delicious and I just discovered it has its own website!
cheeky cheese chap
A very talented cheese seller at the 'Tradi From' stall managed to bankrupt me. He was also a very happy chap.

I did a wine masterclass too, we had an introduction of wines 'cote de Lyon'. We sat in a little audience while we were served different wines and people made comments about them, one lady boldly pronouced that one of the wines tasted of cow leather, it was a well received comment. I don't understand wine.

In a nutshell, I came away with a bag full of cheese, pleasantly drunk and with an idea in my head that I would love to get involved in the organisation of this kind of event. Future career? Who knows; but I do know I want some truffle oil for christmas.


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