last week in Lyon in pictures

Lunch at Pierre's restau: Salmon tartare with tomatoes confite and avocado

Fois Gras Maison, with pain au figue

Goodbye Favourite Boulangerie!

Croc N Roll: Massive Croc monsieurs stuffed full of cheesy goodness, best hangover snack!

Homemade Fish cakes for Adri!

Beautiful quenelle and corgette Tarte a la Adrien

Wonderful Rainbow cake (No hallucinogenics involved.)

What a spread, Alice Abg!

Mont D'or du Jura and Saucisse du monbelliard. Nuff said. 

Sad times to leave but for great times ahead. I'm off to discover the wonders London has to offer at my new job at Haymarket Exhibitions for the BBC good food show! Goodbye Lyon, I will never forget you (mainly due to the 10 extra pounds I'm carrying around my waist as a constant reminder of your wonderful, greasy, pork heavy cuisine)


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