For all you budding bakers out there...

Here's something to get you started...

The Perfect White Loaf


(Makes 2 medium loaves)

700g Strong white bread flour
2 teaspoons of sea salt flakes crushed (optional)
1 x sachet fast-action dried yeast or 15g fresh yeast
about 450 ml lukewarm water


1. Put the flour in a large mixing bowl, add the yeast, mix well and make a well in the middle.

2. Pour the water into the well.

3. Mix with your hands. You should have a soft but not too sticky dough. you may need to add a bit more water if it feels dry or more flour if it feels too sticky.

4. Start kneading your dough. If you haven't had the pleasure of watching Paul Hollywood massages away at some sexy dough yet then just repeat these steps. First stretch the dough away from you, holding with one hand. Then fold it over and gather it back into a ball. Turn the dough and repeat for 10 minutes or until smooth and silky, like an otter. Well not quite like an otter,

5. Put the dough in a bowl, cover with clingfilm and leave to rise for about an hour in a warm kitchen or 2 hours at room temperature.

6. When you come back to the dough. Take a moment to revel in the satisfaction of its bigness compared to when you last clapped eyes on it- joy!

7. Spank the dough in true Hollywood style to deflate it, or punch it down. Divide into two balls, shape and leave to prove for one hour.

8. Preheat your oven to gas 8/230 C, put two baking sheets in the oven to heat up. Put a roasting tin at the bottom of the oven.

9. Slash your risen loaves with a knife and scatter on some flour. Chuck in a spash of water to the roasting tin. (the steam will give you a lovely crust) then place your loaves on the baking trays. Bake for around 15 - 20 mins until golden brown and hollow sounding when tapped.

10. People say not to eat it when its hot, but I do because its very, very tasty.


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