Look I've told you before, there's no such thing as too much cheese!

To further ignite my love for all things cheesey, I decided to host a cheese soiree at our little flat last week. Luckily it was a great success, 15 people all squashed into my living room juggling the platters of 15 different cheeses, baskets of bread and confit de figues. I discovered a fair few cheese I had no idea about and poured over my cheese guidebooks to find titbits of info about how these fabulous cheeses had been produced and how they should be eaten. The first one that really impressed me was a creamy chevre called Chablit, and I was loving the Tomme Fraiche from Auvergne which our friends rubbed with garlic and toasted on bread until golden and bubbling (apparently delicious topped with fresh herbs)  http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomme_fra%C3%AEche.

Over all a thoroughly cheesy evening.


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