Deli-Cat achieves the impossible...

A feat that has baffled food scientists for years, and left numerous french men retching into the nearest poubelle... I have successfully addicted my french boyfriend to Marmite. (most french people's reaction to our beloved spread is to run to the nearest receptacle to be sick) It's official Adrien has gone over to the dark and sticky side. and its only taken a year a half of hiding the Jam so he was left with no other option. Now he's a fiend! begging me to e-mail Mum to send some more out cause he had a binge session and finished the jar, scraping the dregs out with his finger. I'm happy to have helped him traverse this controversial food barrier, but i'm a little scared of the after affects? :S 


1 comment:

  1. My dear English friends, Please don't hesitate to send us as much Marmite jar you can. I am craving Marmite!!! Thank you.
