I hate when I forget to buy one measly thing for a dish I’m cooking. Not only is it frustrating but It forces me, out of sheer laziness to go to “eau de vie” the dreaded bio (organic) shop across the road from us (as it’s the closest shop). I don’t know exactly why it displeases me, maybe it’s the fact that the bearded, weak chinned employees whine a pathetic bonjour at you when you walk in the door, a complete change from the hearty booming voices of the market sellers or the warm chatty tones of the ladies at intermarche. Or it could be that it costs about 4 euro for a sweet potato. As a food lover am I obliged to like shops like this, or is this more the domain of fussy middle aged women trying to show off to their friends.
So this time I forgot to buy a red onion for this fabulous mushroom soup I’m making today. It’s from Jamie Oliver recipe and it’s such an incredibly indulgent soup. This isn’t your run of the mill-use up any old vegetables you’ve got moulding at the back of your cupboard-soup. But you don’t have to use the fancy mushrooms he does, for example I used normal field mushrooms and a jar of “panier de forestier”, this is a small jar of a collection of wild mushrooms. But if you want just use field or portabellos that’s fine too.  It’s really worth putting a couple of slices of baguette in the oven drizzled with olive oil until they go super crispy to pop on top of the finished soup. Miam miam.

the real mushroom soup 

Please note- this is not a photo of my finished soup, but it did look a lot like this, no jokes. 


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