Tarting about

If I wanna eat well, deliciously and cheaply during the week, I tend to opt for a tarte, since moving to France me and Adrien have become quiche experts, Inventing and trying a ton of different ingredients, courgette and goats cheese, lardons and mushrooms, roquefort and broccoli, tripe and black pudding, ok that last one is a lie, here are some of my absolute favourites…

Parmasan and aspargus quiche
5 large asparagi (shouldn’t it be that grammatically- like cacti?)
3/4 eggs
1 tablespoon of crème fraiche
Paramasan, combination of grated and cut into thinnish slices
1 pack of shortcrust pastry (or if you can be naffed making your own!)
A dash of truffle oil (my fave)

1.       Boil your asparigio in lightly salted water for 3-4 minutes
2.       Meanwhile whisk your eggs with the crème fraiche, some seasoning and a few drops of truffle oil.
3.       Line a round tin with the pastry
4.       It can be a good idea to pre bake your pastry here for 10 minutes or so until it looks golden
5.       Drain your asparagusses and begin arranging them in a fan like fashion, make sure you hold back a few to decorate the top.
6.       Nestle your chunks of parmesan in between the asparagus.
7.       Pour the egg mixture of the making sure it is evening dispersed.
8.       Top your tart with a final fan-like ring of asparagus and add the grated parmesan.
9.       Bake at a medium temperature until the egg is set.

Tarte Forestière
Half a medium onion
100g of lardons
A little nub of comté cheese (cheddar will work fine)
A handful of shrooms- I used normal field shrooms but anything goes in the crazy world of quiche!
3-4 eggs
Dollop of crème fraiche or a dash of milk
Short crust OR puff pastry.
 See above, the beautiful thing is it’s exactly the same except the comté is sprinkled on top of the egg mixture once all the ingredients are in.

Tarte Forestière
Bon tarte!


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