Quick Candied Nuts

I Love a quick fix. Whether you’ve got the urge to make something new and interesting, or you’re going over to a friend’s and you’ve got nothing to give them. I discovered this recipe over Christmas time while looking for an exciting topping for our Christmas dessert, but it works even better as a before dinner snack with drinks.

Sweet, spicy, nutty and salty – this hits all my buttons and chances are your friends will love it. Here’s my recipe for quick candied nuts.


Packet of nuts, I like pecans or walnuts but you can use anything, even mixed nuts.(250g)
A handful of Sugar (brown and caster)
Mixed spice/ All Spice
Hot chilli powder
a few pinches of salt


1. Heat a large frying pan over a medium heat.
2. Add you nuts and toast (in a dry pan no need for oil) for a few minutes constantly stirring until you can smell the aroma of toasted nuts.
3. Next, Sprinkle in the sugar - a mixture of brown and caster work best I find.
4. Keep stirring the nuts and lower the heat if the pan starts to smoke.
5. Sprinkle in a half teaspoon of all spice or mixed spice. You can even choose your own spice combination. I find Christmassy spices work well.
6. add a pinch of hot chilli powder and a few pinches of salt, then stir your nuts to distribute the seasoning.
7. You will probably need to toast the nuts in the spice mixture over a medium heat for about 10 minutes. When the sugar starts to melt and coat the nuts, turning them a golden caramelised colour then you know your nuts are ready.
8. Prepare a sheet of baking paper on the works surface and tip your candied nuts onto the sheet, separating them so they don’t all meld together in a clump. Don’t touch them with your hands, I received a rather nasty burn over Christmas from a hot nut!
9. Leave them to cool for about 10 minutes then transfer to a small pot and serve.

These little beauties are so versatile. I think they work really well  as a homemade gift presented in a pretty pot or teacup and wrapped in cellophane with a ribbon.

I love using them to decorate, cakes, tarts and desserts.

But mostly I love just eating them because I warn you they are incredibly moreish!

Chocolate and salted caramel torte with candied walnuts


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