Five-a-Day January

Never having really been one for calorie counting I decided to try something new for January and take on one of our "Eat Well Challenges" at work. Our new Eat Well show is fast approaching and I wanted to get in the mood. 

I went for the Five-a-Day challenge, the idea was to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, as an extra challenge I decided to be a vegetarian during the week and only indulge my meat cravings at weekends. My main reason for taking part was to discover new recipes and try to improve my approach to eating well. 

Healthy Shopping Trolley! 

One of things I discovered was that by using grains such as quinoa, freekeh and lentils you can create filling dishes that are inexpensive, satisfying and count towards your fruit and veg intake! I used a lot of Merchant Gourmet's products as its ready straight out the packet so it's no faff and great quality. 

Something else I have really discovered the value of is avocados, a real wonder ingredient if you're avoiding meat, it's satisfying and delicious. Mash it up and spread it on toast, pop it in a pitta, top your salad with thick slices. It really does compliment almost everything. 

So I wanted to share with you my selection of my top recipes this January: 

Spicy baked eggs: 

Here's my scribbled version of the recipe, a great store-cupboard wonder, use up any veg you may have in the fridge, try slicing up some courgettes or throwing in some mushrooms. 

I had this without the chorizo for a meat free mid-weeker!

Quinoa stuffed peppers:

Another great store-cupboard dinner, if you've got the quinoa and the peppers you can chuck anything in. 

I like it like this:

Ingredients (serves 2) 

2 red peppers halved and seeds removed 
1 packet of red and white quinoa 
Handful of chopped spring onions 
Handful of chopped black olives 
Small handful of chopped fresh herbs 
4 slices of halloumi, feta or goats cheese
Small handful of golden sultanas 

Preheat oven to 200 c
Lightly brush the peppers with olive oil and roast in the oven
Combine the quinoa, spring onions, olives, herbs and sultanas In a small bowl. 

After the peppers have been roasting for 20 mins, remove them and stuff with the quinoa. Top them with slices of cheese and continue to roast for 5 - 10 minutes. 

Serve with a crisp green salad. 

Cheeky bacon Brunch treat : 
(for that meaty weekend treat)

Ingredients (serves 1)

1 slice bacon, grilled
1 avocado, mashed with salt pepper and lemon juice
Thick slice of sourdough bread 
1 egg poached 
Dollop of chorizo jam

Pile the avocado onto the bread, no need for butter. Top with the bacon, poached egg and a dollop of chorizo jam, if you fancy!  

Egg and Puy lentil salad :

A super no-fuss salad with plenty of nutritional value and as you can see a great lunchbox filler! 


1 x boiled egg
1 packet of beluga or puy lentils 
1 small stick of celery/red cabbage or any crunchy vegetable- sliced

2 tablespoons of olive oil 
1 tsp of whole grain mustard 
2 tsp of lemon juice 
1 tsp honey 
Sea salt and a grind of pepper 


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