she went, she waitressed, she flounced out after less than a week...

Hello peoples. So here's the real update, the title really kind of sums it up to be honest. I started my first job in a restaurant last Monday and here I am, a week later here I am working as a language assistant in a primary school, still shuddering when I catch the whiff of a roast chicken whilst roaming the streets of Lyon. The restaurant was called "L'aile ou la cuisse" Named after a popular french comedy film that I have never seen, I have also never waitressed before. I was expecting hard work and long hours but not quite AS hard and long as they were. (9.30-3.30 for midday service, returning 6.00-11.00 for the evening service). It bloody killed me, I was constantly scrubbing in the back, hidden away from the customers like a dirty little English secret waitress. The snobby manners of the other serveuses got on my nerves, especially when I got told off for talking to the customers! (two lovely old ladies who were saying how I was a lovely smiley waitress hem hem!) The kitchen staff were nice though, giving me tit bits of smoked salmon and olives, downing coffees constantly throughout the day and desperately smoking in their few and far between break times. I know I could've learnt some cool stuff if I'd stayed, but I was too miserable there to turn down the chance of swapping a life of serving mediocre roast chicken to rushed groups of grumpy business men, for teaching English to excited and cute as hell 4-8 year olds. And so my life is changing again, and I'm so happy about it- roll on the 12 hour weeks, loads of free time to cook and experiment and of course keep you updated on my adventures...



  1. I had a look at the menu for the restaurant you worked in. What is 'le souris d'agneau...'? Where would you find the mouse on a lamb?

    And another thing: 'Le financier aux girolles...' - the banker with mushrooms? Perhaps it would translate as 'haunch of fungus-smothered fatcat'
