Barbourious happenings

What-ho! I just spent a fine weekend in the Cours-la-ville countryside. The weekend was mostly spent relaxing and watching Adrien and his Dad rave on about how much they love wearing Barbour Jackets. Adrien even ended up receiving a present of one of his father’s old green coats, and the bonding session didn’t stop there. Phillipe even applied a new layer of wax whilst his beloved son was wearing it! Great- I’m thinking- now Adrien smells like my Grandpa.  After a snowy Sunday walk we (me and the boyf's family- roughtly 20 ppl!) went to a little Auberge to eat together. Two notable things about this meal... 1. I ate some paté de tete ( one step further on my journey towards head cheese) 2. Adrien's mum told me the best way to lose weight is by having lots of sex. Frankly both of these things I found slightly disturbing.

I believe this is the look Adrien is going for... shudder.


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